Table of contents
So far we have learned everything about docker in previous blogs where we used several commands.
Today's blog is the one-stop solution for all the commands related to docker.
Docker Cheat Sheet
Pull an image from Docker Hub:
docker pull image_name:tag
List downloaded images:
docker images
Run a container from an image:
docker run [options] image_name:tag
List running containers:
docker ps
List all containers (including stopped):
docker ps -a
Start a stopped container:
docker start container_id_or_name
Stop a running container gracefully:
docker stop container_id_or_name
Forcefully stop a running container:
docker kill container_id_or_name
Remove a container:
docker rm container_id_or_name
Remove an image:
docker rmi image_id_or_name
Run a container with a custom name:
docker run --name custom_container_name image_name:tag
Run a container in detached/background mode:
docker run -d image_name:tag
Map a host port to a container port:
docker run -p host_port:container_port image_name:tag
Mount a host directory into a container:
docker run -v /host/path:/container/path image_name:tag
View logs of a container:
docker logs container_id_or_name
Execute a command inside a running container:
docker exec -it container_id_or_name command
Build an image from a Dockerfile:
docker build -t image_name:tag /path/to/Dockerfile_directory
Push an image to Docker Hub (after tagging):
docker push image_name:tag
Clean up unused resources (containers, images, volumes, networks):
docker system prune
Inspect container or image details:
docker inspect container_or_image_id_or_name
Check Docker version:
docker --version
Compose and manage multi-container applications with Docker Compose.
Remember to replace the placeholders image_name
, tag
, container_id_or_name
, host_port
, container_port
, etc., with your specific values.
Also, you can follow this image:
This cheat sheet covers some of the basic and advanced Docker commands. Docker is a powerful tool with many features, and there's much more to explore. Happy containerization!
Thanks for reading the blog & do share them with someone in need :)
Please share your views and suggestions, they are always welcome.
See you then in the next blog.
Happy learning :)